Insurance and Risk Management
Risk management is an important and complicated subject (ask George Constanza) that overlaps safety. Insurance is no less significant to those managing a commercial building restorations project. This page is not an exhaustive source for information on either subject although the links on it are part of a nexus that will yield solid comprehension of both.
Applied Systems Incorporated
Their primary products are insurance agency management databases, systems, etc. and they have come to offer other products and services derived from that core including certificate of insurance tracking software, consulting, webinars, training and cloud services.
Bidder / Contractor / Vendor Qualification
Avetta (formerly PICS Auditing)
Avetta is a subscription software provider. Their SaaS, cloud based product connects a companies suppliers, contractors and vendors in order to mitigate risks to workers and the business. Their product is “a supply chain risk management solution”.
White Papers
Mostly case studies on implementing Aveeta’s software but there are also papers on dealing with OSHA, vendor pre-qualification and loss control tips. Articles on risk mitigation and safety issues are also on Avetta’s blog.
Contractor Safety Prequalification, Current Practices and Prospective Models
This March, 2008, University of Utah Economics Department Working Paper (No. 2013-07) by Peter Philips and Norman Waitzman is the 282 page report on an exhaustive study on the economics of pre-qualifying contractors based on their safety record. Firms such as those listed below are providing services based on the principles outlined in this and other studies.
FIRST, VERIFY Vendor Information Management
FIRST, Verify maintains a database that allows companies to verify that outside contractors doing everything from new construction to routine maintenance meet corporate standards for safety and other criteria. The service associated with this proprietary database is “FV-PQ Web Application”. Their other services include: “Certificate Management Service” , “Safety Audit Service” and “SMI Safety Staffing and Consulting”.
Itelivert offers cloud based tools for managing workplace safety, training, compliance and quality control. Their workforce qualification service ensures that the contractor’s safety record meets the minimum requirements and one of their follow-up services provides site specific training to the contractor’s workers.
Certificate of Insurance (COI) and Other Insurance Forms
Acord forms index lists hundreds of insurance forms available for download from their site,

ConsensusDocs catalog of contract documents was developed by diverse coalition of more than 40 leading associations with members that represent all stakeholders in the design and the construction industry. Best practices that fairly allocate risk are key aspects of the agreements in their catalog.
Contractor Rules & Regulations Hines Property Management
These “rules and regulations” by Hines Property Management for the JP Morgan Chase Tower in Houston are provided to facilitate efficient and safe operations. In addition to rules of conduct for contractors this document includes their insurance requirements, requirements for obtaining permits, submittals for materials and construction plans, specification compliance, maintaining interior air quality and extensive and fairly detailed information and requirements pertaining to electrical, plumbing and HVAC issues. A section on building security is included. There is a list of approved contractors with contact information and lists of allowed building components and materials.
ProSight Specialty Insurance
ProSight Specialty Insurance serves businesses with specialized expertise and claim to be able to provide a better product and services to them then more mainstream insurance providers. One of their products which is offered to construction and project managers is a combination of business liability and errors and omissions insurance. Among the specialties they insure are urban builders, manufactured housing, live events, lawyers, accountants, fleet trucking, specialty contractors, propane and fuel dealers, ocean marine and drones.
Construction Managers Insurance
Business liability and errors and omissions insurance for members of the Construction Management Association of America.
Succeed Management Solutions, LLC
Services and tools that improve efficiency and manage risk. It began as an occupational safety and health consulting firm and came to automate those functions and others including OSHA 300 reporting tools, safety compliance tools, risk management tools and libraries, hazard analysis, onsite risk assessment and more. Going through their website provides insight into risk management in general and what to look for in companies that provide insurance and related services and products. Their Certificate of Insurance maintenance application is a stand alone software solution for handling that important matter.
United States Army Publication ATP 5-19 “Risk Management”
This document provides doctrinal guidance for managing risk and is written for commanders, staff, Army civilians and individual soldiers.
VPP – Voluntary Protection Programs
All About VPP on OSHA’s site
Approval into VPP is OSHA’s official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health.
Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association
Twenty-three-hundred companies and worksites who are in compliance with or are striving to become compliant with the requirements for occupational safety and health excellence as specified in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) or the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP).
Who Is Managing Your Contract Risks by Carrie L Ciliberto, Esq,
This Design Cost Data magazine article cites contract clauses in ConsensusDocs standard contracts that deal with properly allocating project risks. Among the risks mentioned are the owner’s financial strength, unknown site conditions and disputes.