Trade Services
The Statement of Work for a commercial building restorations project can be organized in many ways. The first section of those created by JVS Building Services is a concise, short description of the building and the project. The second section is lengthy and it details the “Services” that are needed to complete the restorations project.
Naming the services orients the bidders and all the others interested in the project as to the nature of the work. For example, “Sealant Restoration” may be the first category in the “Services” section of the Statement of Work. (Sealant is often referred to as caulk but caulk is actually what is used in bathrooms and other interior spaces. Sealant is used to seal exterior joints.) Subsequent service categories may be Surface Repair, Waterproofing or Painting and Coating. Other services include concrete repair, deck repair, EIFS repair, natural stone restoration, brick repair and tuck-pointing, Terra-cotta restoration, dimension stone repair, glass restoration and deck re-surfacing. It’s not uncommon for multiple services to be included. Fortunately, most restorations contractors are qualified in multiple trades so it typically isn’t necessary to award multiple contracts.
This page offers links and information for all these services, and others.

Air and Vapor Barriers
Air barrier systems include multiple materials, such as building wraps and sealants, and components, including windows, that seal the building enclosure, which includes all six sides of the building. Air barriers are also sometimes used to separate building sections from each other. Air barriers serve to wrap the building shell and protect the building elements within it from the effects of air leakage. The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) includes requirements for air exchange between the inside and outside of buildings that can only be achieved with effective air barriers. Currently (2015) the ABAA lists twelve states and the District of Columbia as government authorities with air barrier requirements in their building codes.
Insulated wall assembly with air and water barrier intended to meet International Energy Conservation Code. Model by Dow Building Solutions
Scroll to zoom in on the 3D model and drag to orbit about it. Drag cursor + SHIFT to pan
Blasting for Surface Cleaning and Coating Prep
Cleaning surfaces and preparing them for coatings can involve various types of blasting. This page describes those used for commercial building restorations projects and in other industries.

Surface Cleaning and Preparation on
Further links and information
Envirowash – “The Clean, Green Solution For Paint Wash-up
water-based treatment system that turns paint wash-out from brushes and rollers into clean water and inert solid waste, allowing for easier and safer disposal
Shurhold Clean-N-Simple
Premium boat, RV and auto maintenance and care products including specialty items and chemicals such as buffing pad cleaners, rope handle buckets, PVA and micro fiber towels, scrubbing pads and polishers.
Eagle Industries
Jobsite enclosures & containment products including construction tarps, debris netting, reinforced poly, scaffold containment & weather enclosure sheetings for construction safety, demolition, debris protection, weatherization, & abatement containment.
Concrete and Crack Repair
Articles on repairing concrete and links to materials suppliers and contractors.
Concrete Coatings and Overlays
Links to articles on coating concrete surfaces and applying decorative overlays.
Decorative Concrete
Articles on moisture in concrete at
Epoxy Sealants & Osmotic Blisters -A Loaded Gun You Should Worry About
Synthetic Gypsum is still Gypsum
Precision & Bias Doesn’t Exist for Concrete Moisture Testing?
The Problem with Moisture Mapping A Question of Qualitative vs Quantitative
Moisture Testing Without a Sub-Slab Moisture Barrier?
We Don’t Measure Moisture… We Calculate Risk
Einstein & MVER – How Elevated Moisture Happens
pH & How to Formulate Against It
Novel Method for Evaluating Hydrolytic Stability and Moisture Resistance in Flooring Adhesives
Adhesive Re-Emulsification Myth Contrary to popular belief modern adhesives do not re-emulsify…
OSHA Fact Sheet – Worker’s Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica: FINAL RULE Overview
MVER, Moisture Vapor Emission Rate testing
The “Tape Down Test”, ASTM D 4263 and the calcium chloride test, ASTM F 1869 are explained in a video. These or similar tests or tests using moisture detection instruments are needed when coating concrete floors with non breathable materials such as high solids epoxies or 100% solids polyurethane. Moisture tests are also needed when laying wood and some laminate floors.
“Setting a Standard for Decorative Concrete” in Durability+Design Magazine
This August 2014 article is about the 45-page “Guide to Decorative Concrete” (ACI 310R-13) by the American Concrete Institute) which covers materials and techniques for imparting aesthetic finishes to concrete flatwork. (Use the search field to find more Durability+Design Magazine articles on Decorative Concrete.)
“Profiles in Decorative Concrete” in Durability+Design Magazine
This January 2015 Durability+Design article describes three projects in which creative methods were employed to add texture, color and imagery to concrete surfaces at recreation sites. (Use the search field to find more Durability+Design Magazine articles on Decorative Concrete.)
Decorative Painting
Decorative Painters at the Library of Congress
This video presents a step by step description of the process used by the Architect of the Capitol decorative painters to recreate a particular scroll pattern on a small wall panel in the Library of Congress in Washington DC.
Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS)
EIFS, exterior insulation and finishing system, is a class of building cladding systems. It is a non-load bearing composite that provides insulation, water-resistance and a finished surface that can simulate just about anything. It was originally developed in Europe after World War II where it is know as External Wall Insulation System (EWIS) and External Thermal Insulation Cladding System (ETICS).
As in Europe, EIFS was first used in the 1960s in North America on masonry buildings, but since the 1990s the majority of EIFS installations have been on wood framed structures. EIFS has to be properly installed and as the popularity of the material exploded water infiltration problems grew resulting in a huge number of legal cases. Since then EIFS has continued to be used because, despite the need for quality control, it is a very good way to clad buildings.
The model below shows and EIFS (External Insulation Finish System) assembly with a mechanical fastener securing insulation onto sheathing sealed with WRB (weather resistant membrane) which is covered with a mesh that holds a base coat onto which is applied the finish coat.
Scroll to zoom in on the 3D model and drag to orbit about it. Drag cursor + SHIFT to pan
Dow Corning EIFS Restoration Guide
“The recommendations in this guide are not intended to replace those of a qualified industry consultant or engineer who can investigate and evaluate the existing condition of a particular EIFS building.”
DryvitCare EIFS Repair Procedure DS498
Detailed, clearly illustrated instructions on Exterior Insulated Finish System repair.
JVS Building Services Page – EIFS Page
Links / information on EIFS materials
Recommendations For Repairing – Dryvit Returns at Sealant Joints (Abutting Dissimilar Materials)
Restoring sealant between EIFS panels needs to be carefully conducted if damage of the laminate is to be avoided.
Sto Corporation EIFS Repair Videos
Repairing Impact Damage and Foam replacement.
A complete list of tools and materials needed for this repair can be viewed in the “Puncture damage” video.
Repair EIFS Puncture Damage
Repairing Major Cracks in EIFS
Cleaning and Resurfacing for EIFS
Repair of Surface Cracks in EIFS
Bolt Hole Repair in EIFS
Floor Coatings on the Paint and Coatings Section of
General Information
Industry and Trade Associations on
Links to U.S. national and international associations for aerial lift operators and manufacturers, architects, building envelope interests, building standards, building science and technology, cast stone, cement, coatings natural stone and concrete repair interests, construction managers, engineers, masons, metals science and engineering, pressure washing, project management, roofers, sealant installers, specifiers and manufacturers, specifiers of other processes and materials and those with interests in window film.
National Park Service Preservation Briefs
Forty-seven papers on preservation topics including cleaning and water-repellent treatments, repair and thermal upgrade of historic steel windows, preservation of historic concrete, maintenance and repair of architectural cast iron, appropriate methods of reducing lead paint hazards in historic housing, removing graffiti from historic masonry and maintenance and repair and replacement of historic cast stone.
tradeweb Custom Building and Restoration Services
Directory of architects, artisans, contractors, designers, installers, fabricators, managers, consultants and educators who perform services in custom building and restoration fields.
Glass Cleaning and Maintenance
JVS Building Services Bulletin
Glass and frame cleaning, maintenance and protection. Portions of this article can be used in window cleaning service agreements / contracts.
GANA Bulletin 01-0300 – Proper Procedure for Cleaning Architectural Glass Products
Glass can be damaged if improperly cleaned. Glass producers and fabricators therefor recommend strict compliance with the proper procedures outlined in this document.
Glass Stains and Damage LOF ATS-104
This 1987 paper by the venerable Libbey-Owens-Ford Company describes the mechanisms that cause damage to glass. Among them are water attack during storage which involves the formation of alkaline solutions, chemical air pollutants, hard water from sprinklers and other sources, alkali attack from building materials such as precast concrete and lubricants from gasket and locking strip installations, oxides and physical damage from welding sparks.
Glass Restoration and Protection
Articles on glass and glass restoration and links to suppliers and manufacturers of glass restoration products.

Information on protecting surfaces from vandals and removing graffiti from architectural surfaces. Links to suppliers and manufacturers of anti-graffiti products are provided.

Masonry and Stone Restoration and Repair
Information, links and video on the subject.
Painting / Coating Bridges and Offshore Structures
Overcoating Bridges and Other Structures a Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings (JPCL) ebook
Paint square Magazine articles on lead paint removal, a decision tree for lead-based paint management, 100 year corrosion protections for steel bridges, preventing overcoating failures, selecting coating systems for bridges, overcoating lead-based alkyd paint on steel penstocks
Shop Coating Steel for the Thornton Bank Wind Farm
This Paintsquare Magazine article about coating the sea level and submerged elements of the Thornton Bank Wind Farm in the North Sea nineteen miles from the Belgian coast.
MD Bay Bridge Painting Up for Bid – PaintSquare News
The steel structure of the William Preston Lane Memorial Bridge, also known as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, is to be coated with the time tested system consisting of an organic zinc primer, an epoxy intermediate coat, and a urethane topcoat, which is a moisture-cured urethane system or a penetrating sealer, an epoxy-mastic primer, and aliphatic urethane finish.
Parking Deck Cleaning
If wash water includes anything other than dirt and other airborne deposits such as materials from atmospheric pollution it is considered by regulators to be “process wastewater”. Process wastewater with anything other than approved, biodegradable materials must be treated and disposed of properly. If wash water qualifies as process wastewater and it is allowed to flow to waterways directly or through storm sewers or if it can make its way to a publicly operated treatment facility permits may be required. Parking decks are a prime example of a surface that requires special attention because they are sure to have petroleum products from motor vehicles on them. Horizontal surfaces, particularly those that bear traffic, should be evaluated according to different criteria than walls and other vertical surfaces.
If you own a parking deck or lot and clean it with a hose or pressure washer and let that wash water go down a storm drain you’re violating the Clean Water Act. The damage caused could be great and the fines for such violations are among the worst that the EPA and local authorities impose.
Arya Clean Property Services
Araya Clean is a national franchisor of mobile pressure cleaning service providers. Their proprietary configuration of industrial grade and EPA compliant pressure washing systems combines heat, variable pressure, non-toxic cleansers and reclamation and recycling systems.
Pressure Washing and EPA Fines
This article by Peter Turin, founder of Araya Clean, warns that property owners, not contractors are responsible for Clean Water Act violations on their property. He also poses the questions to be asked to avoid the penalties.
Crystal Cleaning Company – A Parking Garage Cleaning Company | Parking Garage Cleaning Service
One section of their “about us” page on the web site says, “1 – The Crystal Cleaning Company LLC has never had to change their name due to fines or lack of quality. 2 – The Crystal Cleaning Co. LLC has never been fined, and most of all, our clients never had to worry about the EPA in regards to their garage water discharge while it’s being cleaned. 3 – For 27 years running we’re still the best at Thermal Cleaning of Parking Garage Facilities !”
YouTube – Parking Garage Cleaning with Filtration by Crystal Cleaning Company
EPA Water Recovery : Wash On Wheels
Located in Englewood, Colorado
Pressure Washing
Arya Clean Property Services
Araya Clean is a national franchisor of mobile pressure cleaning property service providers. Their proprietary configuration of industrial grade and EPA compliant pressure washing systems combines heat, variable pressure, non-toxic cleansers and reclamation and recycling systems.
Pressure washing business network with information for professional pressure washing firms.
The WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA) and Industrial & Municipal Cleaning Association (IMCA)
Members include high pressure waterjet and industrial vacuum equipment users, manufacturers, distributors, researchers, regulators, and consultants.
Sealant Joint Restoration and Installation
Information, links and video on manufactured joints, extrusions used for sealing joints in frames and other building components, tuckpointing (replacing masonry joints), and restoring sealant joints.
Steel Window Restoration
Steel Window Restoration
The Steel Window Association (SWA) represents most of the steel window manufacturers in the United Kingdom. They’ve prepared this article to help owners of steel doors and window frames restore these important building components.

The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Preservation Brief #13, “The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows”
Stripe Coating, Fundamentals of – Jan. 2014 Journal of Protective Coatings
SSPC-PA Guide 11, Guide to Protection of Edges, Crevices, and Irregular Surfaces. Published in 2008, the guide discusses the reasons for employing extra corrosion protection measures on edges, corners, crevices, bolt heads, welds, and other irregular steel surfaces, as well as various protection options such as edge grinding, chamfering, and application of stripe coats. Some details, including the advantages and limitations of specific methods of obtaining additional coating thickness by stripe coating, are described to assist the specification writer in assuring that the project specification will address adequate corrosion protection.
Surface Cleaning and Care and Surface Protection (including masking)
This page in the “Trade Services” section of the site has information on most types of blasting as well sources for blasting tools, materials and services. Directory Listings on Cleaning
Articles listed are on abrasive cleaning of stone and brickwork and cleaning terra cotta, stained glass, marble and other materials. There are also articles on laser cleaning, bird damage, atmospheric pollution, managing biological growth, graffiti, nebulous spray cleaning, poultices, steam cleaning and the use of solvents to clean painted and decorated surfaces.
Caring for Glazed Architectural Terra Cotta
Flawed repairs and neglect are among the causes of damage to this material commonly found on late 19th and early 20th century era structures.
Coating Concrete Walls
Surface prep, concrete repair and concrete coating “systems” (materials) are clearly and thoroughly addressed in this April, 2016 Design+Durability article written by Ray Tombaugh of KTA-Tator, Inc.
From Bond Breakers to Sealants: Anathema to Painting of Concrete
Form release films and other agents can interfere with the adhesion of paints, coatings and sealers. This December, 2015 Design + Durability article discusses the effects that such materials have and why. It also covers how to know if they are on the surface to be painted, coated or sealed and how to remove them.
EIFS Cleaning and Maintenance
Master Wall Inc. Technical Bulletin # 112-010112 “Topic: Owner’s Responsibilities for Cleaning and Maintenance of Wall Systems”. Manufacturers of recommended cleaning products and paints are provided at the end of the paper.
Mt. Carmel High School, Chicago, Cleaning
October 2014 Durability & Design Magazine article on how Midwest Pressure Washing & Restoration of Griffith, Indiana restored Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago by cleaning the stone and brick surfaces and re-pointing the joints in accordance with U.S. National Park Service’s Preservation Brief #2, “Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Buildings,”.
PROSOCO’s Sure Klean VanaTrol on Ground Floor Precast
This March 2014 Durability + Design Magazine article describes how Masonry and Precast Specialty Services, of Lincoln Nebraska cleaned 50,000 square feet of ground level, vertical pre-cast concrete with PROSOCO Sure Klean VanaTrol to prepare it for an anti-graffiti coating.
Ram Board Floor and Wall Protection
Ram Board manufactures durable sheet and roll goods and tapes used to protects floors and walls during construction and restoration projects.
Surface Preparation
Links to articles and information on preparing concrete and other surfaces for various coatings and treatments.