Concrete and Crack Repair Trade Services
Concrete and crack repair is a very broad subject including horizontal and vertical surfaces in buildings and infrastructure. The materials and methods are ancient and modern. Contractors that work in the field and manufacturers that develop the materials are among the most technically adept firms in the construction industry. A great deal of very useful information is available from sources that range from “DIY” blogs to detailed, peer reviewed scientific papers. The links and information available here are a sample that can lead to answers to many of the questions that consultants, contractors and building owners may have on the subject.

Concrete by Halleck
A full service restoration concrete company providing professional concrete placement or replacement of color, regular, stamped, stain, or any decorative finish to commercial and industrial.
Concrete Coatings, Sealers and Stains
Multiple sources for materials to coat, seal and stain concrete on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Conproco “Black Book”
Descriptions, selection guides, application guides, competitive product comparisons, and professional tips for Conproco concrete repair and preservation products, stone repair and preservation products, exterior wall systems and below grade waterproofing.
Conproco Product Binder
Fifty-seven Conproco products data sheets in product categories: concrete repair and preservation, masonry repair and preservation, protective coatings (including penetrating sealers, mineral silicate paint, and films), exterior wall systems and below grade waterproofing.
Crack Repair Materials and Hardware
Adhesives and fillers for crack repair, composites for crack repair and structural reinforcement, fasteners for crack repair including anchors and stitching ties
Fasteners, Anchors, Ties
Wall ties and other hardware and systems for fixing broken walls and attaching components on
How To Do Brick & Concrete Repairs on
How to Repair Foundation Cracks Using Polyurethane Foam Injection
This article on blog includes an extensive list of products for repairing crack’s that are less than 1/4” wide and aren’t growing in width or length. The article is linked to other pages with advise on how to deal with more severe foundation problems and scores of other construction issues.
Jahn Mortar Products Training
Jahn Mortars are distributed in the United States by Cathedral Stone Products, Inc. of Hanover, Maryland. Many kinds of mortars and other products from Jahn have been used on some of the most historically significant buildings in the world. Some of their mortars are only sold to certified professionals.
Materials and Hardware for Crack Repair
Adhesives and fillers, composite wraps / fibers, anchors and stitching ties
Nawkaw Concrete Cleaning and Staining Services and Materials
Nawkaw’s market niche is in the application of color to masonry and concrete. They consider themselves “the world’s premiere stainer of masonry and concrete” claiming to have pioneered the masonry staining process in 1984. Their extensive experience includes restoration of historical landmarks where color matching is very important.
Nawkaw Masonry Cleaning and Staining Specification
Nawkaw Masonry Stain Architectural Specification
Precast Panel Repair With Sika Products
Concrete repairs to the precast “eyebrows” on this building involved the following steps. First the loose concrete was removed, then the rust was completely removed from the reinforcing steel. Sika Armatec® 110 EpoCem® rust inhibitor / bonding agent was then applied to the steel and the concrete surface. Next, one “lift” of Sika Corporation, SikaTop®-123 Plus mortar was applied. The maximum amount of that material that can be applied in each lift is 1 1/2”. The depth of most of the damaged areas was less than an inch-and-a-half so in those spots only one lift was needed. Others were deeper so those spots required additional repair if the building was to be restored to its original form.
A Professional’s Handbook on Grouting and Concrete Repair
The first portion of this 122 page handbook by FiveStar Products, Inc. has detailed information and specifications for selecting and using grout. Grout is cementitious material that transfers dynamic or static loads from stuctures or machinery to the building foundation. The rest of the manual is about repairing concrete. Small and large repairs of horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces are described. Large areas in the manual are roads and bridges. FiveStar Products manufactures precision grouting, waterproofing and concrete restoration products for industrial use so the manual identifies which FiveStar products to specify for each application.
Rehabbing Concrete Floors: Coat, Cover or Polish
This article by Kevin Brown of KTA-Tator Inc. covers what to consider or verify when deciding how to restore a concrete floor.
Repair, Concrete Cracks, Methods of
This illustrated article at “The Constructor” describes most of the ways that cracks in concrete can be repaired. They are:
- Epoxy Injection
- Stitching
- Attaching Additional Reinforcing Steel Externally
- Drilling and Plugging
- Gravity Filling
- Grouting
- Overlay and Surface Treatments
Repair of Small and Medium Cracks in Concrete
This article at “The Constructor” explains how to repair cracks up to 5 mm in width by injection of cement grout or chemical grouts and repair of cracks greater that 5mm with grout, clamps, wire mesh covered with plaster and stitching.
Self Healing Concrete
UK universities Cardiff, University of Bath and the University of Cambridge, in their project Materials for Life (M4L), is piloting three separate concrete-healing technologies for the first time in real-world settings. Their goal is to incorporate them into a single system that could be used to automatically repair concrete in roads, bridges and buildings.
Sundeck – “The National Leader in Concrete Repair & Decoration”
Construction services and materials for decorative concrete overlays, concrete stains, acrylic finishes, epoxy floors, polyaspartic coatings and clear sealers.
Treating Reinforcement Corrosion in Parking Structures
Hoffman Architects “Journal of Architectural Technology” article
Video of Masonry Repair / Patch Using Conproco Products
This video demonstrates the proper surface preparation and application procedures for repairing broken stone and other masonry components with non-polymer modified masonry repair mortars. Products featured are Conproco’s MIMIC and Matrix repair mortars.