Anti Graffiti
The word “graffiti” and its singular form “graffito” are from the Italian word graffiato (“scratched”). It’s been practiced since antiquity and although some consider it an art form, it deserves no such recognition because whenever it is applied without the owner’s permission it is vandalism and a form of theft. Unfortunately, preventing and removing it has become an industry in itself.
American Building Restoration Products
Graffiti prevention and removal products, stain removers, deck and siding wash, wood rejuvinator, strippers, masonry, stone and concrete cleaners, rust removers, efflorescence and lime dissolver, metal prewash and brighteners, stone polish, sealers, metal and fiberglass polish, glass restoration products, liquid (acrylic) masking, window frost and black out material

Artisan Restoration Products by Chemique, Moorestown, NJ
Graffiti prevention and removal products, glass safe restoration cleaner, limestone cleaner, rust removers, marble restorer, metal restorer, water repellent, mold and mildew remover for wood, stain remover, stone and masonry cleaner
Dumond Chemicals, Inc.
“Dumond® Chemicals, Inc. provides innovative and environmentally safe solutions in the areas of Paint Removal, Graffiti Control Systems, Stone and Masonry Care, Lead Abatement and Lead Encapsulating Products. Dumond® Chemicals and our easy-to-use and differentiating products offer a complete solution for the DIY, Professional, Marine and Industrial Consumer.”
Prosoco Graffiti Wipe and Sacrificial Coating SC-1
Defacer Eraser® Sacrificial Coating SC-1 is a clear, water-based sacrificial coating for use on most building surfaces. SC-1 is a graffiti barrier, which keeps paints, crayons and ink off the underlying surface. Graffiti is removed from protected surfaces by high-pressure hot water, Defacer Eraser® Graffiti Wipe or Sure Klean® Fast Acting Stripper. Defacer Eraser® Graffiti Wipe has no “halogenated” solvents such as methanol, methylene chloride or others prohibited in some jurisdictions. It removes a variety of graffiti stains from most smooth masonry, wood and metal surfaces.
Materials / Chemicals for graffiti protection and removal as well as pressure washing detergents, rust removers, oil stain removers, mold and mildew removers, and all purpose cleaners.
Glass Restoration
Vandals will scratch glass with sharp, hard tools and knives and use hydrofluoric acid, sometimes tinted with shoe polish, to “tag” storefronts. This practice may have been the original impetus for creation of many glass restoration products and systems. JVS Building Services’ Glass restoration page has information on products and systems for restoring glass that has been intentionally defaced or damaged by the elements. There’s also links to the manufacturer of a film that can be applied to discourage vandals and protect glass from their destructive actions and other sources of damage.
News & Information, Trivia
A Case of Hazing
In this Durability & Design Magazine article in their August 2014 “A mysterious white film” that discolored an architectural block building turned out to be caused by an ant-graffiti coating.
Mathieu Tremblin
This artist from Strasbourg, France has come up with a thoughtful and utterly unique approach to dealing with graffiti, which may or may not be vandalism because, like the original “taggers”, Tremblin doesn’t always seek the permission of the structure’s owner when he alters their property. His intriguing approach to the problem is to cover the surface defaced by tags with legible versions of them in Helvetica, Arial, Times New Roman, and Georgia fonts. He calls what he does, Tag Clouds.

Removing Graffiti from Brick
This Clay Brick Association of Southern Africa article outlines a simple, time consuming process involving mechanical action, stripper and white vinegar.
Striking Out Graffiti
Durability & Design Magazine August 2014 “To select the right coating for the job, consider the level of protection, cleaning method and frequency level you need, as well as the long-term cost….”
Youtube video on creative, funny graffiti
Here is the copyright holder’s description of his video: “Graffiti is a crime and you should NEVER EVER do it. However, if you ARE going to vandalize something, you might as well make it hilarious. I mean, in a way, these people made these things better. Before these were just well-meaning signs, and now these signs are spreading laughter AND knowledge. It’s a win win! In the pics below, check out some of the funniest and best funny genius smartass vandalism ever seen. Which was your favorite?”