Aerial Lifts or Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP)
International Powered Access Federation
The IPAF works for the safe and effective, worldwide use of powered access equipment. They provide training, technical advice and information and attempt to influence legislation and standards. It is a not-profit organization owned by its members including manufacturers, rental companies, contractors and other users.
American Institute of Architects
Building Envelope
Air Barrier Association of America
Air barrier systems include multiple materials, such as building wraps and sealants, and components, including windows, that seal the building enclosure, which includes all six sides of the building. Air barriers are also sometimes used to separate building sections from each other. Air barriers serve to wrap the building shell and protect the building elements within it from the effects of air leakage. The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) includes requirements for air exchange between the inside and outside of buildings that can only be achieved with effective air barriers. Currently (2015) the ABAA lists twelve states and the District of Columbia as government authorities with air barrier requirements in their building codes.

Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry
A significant amount of the information here is on interior building elements but they aren’t lacking in resources dedicated to the building envelope. Their flagship publication, “Construction Dimensions” almost always included articles and ads about exterior building elements.
Building Envelope Science Institute
The Building Envelope Science Institute, Inc. (BESI) provides training and certification programs in building envelope construction, maintenance and restoration.
RCI, Incorporated
RCI, Incorporated is an international association of professional consultants, architects, and engineers who specialize in the specification and design of roofing, waterproofing and exterior wall systems.
SWRI – Sealant, Waterproofing & Restoration Institute
SWRI is a trade association of the sealant, waterproofing and restoration construction industry. Membership is limited to experienced and qualified contractors, manufacturers and design professionals. All the major manufacturers including Dow, Sika, Tremco, and Pecora seek SWRI certification of their products and include notice of that qualification 0n their data sheets and packaging.
Building Information Management – BIM
From the “About” page on their web site: “The BIMForum’s mission is to facilitate and accelerate the adoption of building information modeling (BIM) in the AEC industry. We will lead by example and synchronize with counterparts in all sectors of the industry to jointly develop best practice for virtual design and construction (VDC). We will share our experiences and execute our goals via online forums, highly useful deliverables and practical industry conferences. We will revolutionize the building industry.”
buildingSMART Alliance
One of many councils of the National Institute of Building Sciences this organization is devoted the development of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Building Owners and Managers
BOMA – Building Owners and Managers Association International
BOMA is a federation of ninety one U.S. associations and eighteen international affiliates that was founded in 1907. Members are owners and managers of commercial buildings of all types.
International Facility Management Association
IFMA membership includes 24,000 members in 105 countries who manage more than 37 billion square feet of property. The organization includes 134 chapters and 17 councils worldwide. IFMA members purchase more than US$100 billion in products and services annually.
Building Standards
ASTM International
The American Society of Testing and Materials, provides over 12,000 globally accepted standards for contractors, professionals and manufacturers.
Building Science and Technology
National Institute of Building Sciences
The National Institute of Building Sciences was authorized by the U.S. Congress in the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383. In establishing the Institute, Congress recognized the need for an organization that could serve as an interface between government and the private sector. The Institute’s public interest mission is to serve the Nation by supporting advances in building science and technology to improve the built environment. Through the Institute, Congress established a public/private partnership to enable findings on technical, building-related matters to be used effectively to improve government, commerce and industry.
Cast Stone
Cast Stone Institute
The Cast Stone Institute® (CSI) was formed in 1927 by producers who saw the need for a common voice for their industry. Today they serve as the authoritative spokesperson for Cast Stone and provide expert counsel to the architectural and engineering communities.
Portland Cement Association
PCA represents America’s cement manufacturers from their headquartered in Skokie, Illinois and their offices in Washington, DC. The association provides advocacy for infrastructure investment, jobs creation, transportation legislation, and the establishment of reasonable emissions guidelines to protect the environment while maintaining economic growth.
Coatings / Paint
Master Painters Institute
MPI’s website is for coating specifiers, architects, designers, property managers, painters, retailers, and contractors. It also has tips and suggestions or the general public.
Society for Protective Coatings
SSPC publishes the Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings and the online trade magazine, Paintsquare.
Concrete Repair
American Concrete Institute
Headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, the American Concrete Institute, founded in 1904, provides standards, technical resources, certification programs and training. ACI has nearly 20,000 members worldwide in over 101 chapters and 93 student chapters in over 120 countries.
International Concrete Repair Institute
On their home page ICRI states that they are “the only association in the concrete industry devoted solely to repair and restoration” and “it publishes a bimonthly magazine and technical guidelines for concrete repair, and cosponsors the World of Concrete. Local chapters provide regional networking opportunities. Worldwide membership include contractors, manufacturers, engineers, distributors, owners, and other professionals with a common goal: prolonging the useful life of concrete through quality repair, restoration, and protection.”
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works – Architecture Specialty Group
Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
APT is a cross – disciplinary, membership organization that promotes the best methods for conserving historic structures. Members are from over 30 countries are preservationists, architects, engineers, conservators, consultants, contractors, craftspersons, curators, developers, educators, historians, landscape architects, students, technicians, and others persons who have interests in the methods and materials used to maintain, conserve, and protect historic structures and sites. APT is a publisher and educator, it grants scholarships, convenes technical committees, presents awards and otherwise supports all those who wish to join them or avail themselves of all the association has to offer.
Construction Management
The Construction Management Association of America
The Construction Management Association of America provides education and training, conferences and ANSI accredited certification for professional Construction and Program Managers.
American Society of Civil Engineers
Civil Engineering Resource Guide
This page on the site includes numerous links to sites with information of use to civil engineers, civil engineering students and engineering scholarship applicants.
Structure Magazine
STRUCTURE magazine is published for the practicing structural engineer by the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA).
American Society of Professional Estimators
Glass Association of North America
GANA represents and promotes the interests of flat glass manufactures, fabricators and glazing contractors.
International Masonry Institute
“IMI Mission” from the their “About IMI” page on their web site – “The International Masonry Institute offers quality training for craftworkers, professional education for masonry contractors and free technical assistance to the design and construction communities. IMI is a strategic alliance between the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) and their signatory contractors to promote quality masonry construction.
International Masonry Society
From the “About IMS” page on their website: “Founded in 1986, The International Masonry Society has a membership from throughout the world and an international reputation in the field of masonry literature, the dissemination of research and current thinking, as well as the organizing of meetings, seminars and symposia. The Society presents an unrivaled opportunity for members to remain current in all masonry fields.”
Masonry Advisory Council
Extensive technical information on masonry design and detailing. Brick distributors, concrete masonry suppliers and mason contractors are listed in their industry directory.”
Masonry Contractor’s Association of America
Perhaps THE most comprehensive site on the web on the subject of masonry.
The Masonry Society
Publications such as guides and standards for designers, specifiers and inspectors
From the “WHO IS MSO?” page on their site – “ is the brainchild of the Masonry Executives Council (MEC), a coalition of professionals from more than two dozen masonry associations. Our goal is to provide a unified source of inspiration and information about masonry design and construction. By working together, we’re striving to make it easier for architects, engineers, developers, school boards, and city officials to choose to use masonry for their buildings.”
National Concrete Masonry Association
From their “About NCMA” page on their web site – “NCMA is the national trade association representing the producers and suppliers of the concrete masonry products, including concrete block, manufactured stone veneer, segmental retaining walls and articulating concrete block.”
The Brick Industry Association
The Brick Industry Association is an outstanding resource. Their technical notes are extremely useful.
American Society for Metals
The American Society for Metals was founded in 1913. It is the world’s largest association of scientists and engineers working with metals and on associated disciplines. Their membership exceeds 30,000 worldwide. Dissemination of information and education and promoting innovation and materials development are the organization’s goals.
Natural Stone
Marble Institute of America
From the “About” page on the MIA web site: “For over seventy years, the Marble Institute of America (MIA) has served as the authoritative source of information on standards of natural stone workmanship and practice and the suitable application of natural stone products.”
Precast Concrete
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
Pressure Washing
The WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA) and Industrial & Municipal Cleaning Association (IMCA)
Members include high pressure waterjet and industrial vacuum equipment users, manufacturers, distributors, researchers, regulators, and consultants.
Pressure washing business network with information for professional pressure washing businesses.
Project Management
The Project Management Institute
Tools, information, webinars, articles, blogs and training for project managers.
National Roofing Contractors Association – NRCA
The National Roofing Contractors Association has represented roofing professionals since 1886. The NRCA is a leading provider of information and education in all segments of the roofing industry including contracting, manufacturing, distribution and design. architects; consultants; engineers; building owners; and county, city and state government agencies. NRCA’s mission is to inform and assist the roofing industry, act as its principal advocate and help members in serving their customers. NRCA continually strives to enhance every aspect of the roofing industry.
RCI, Incorporated is an international association of professional consultants, architects, and engineers who specialize in the specification and design of roofing, waterproofing and exterior wall systems.
American Society of Safety Engineers
Scaffold and Access Industry Association – SAIA
Formed in 1972 the SAIA is an association dedicated to access industry safety, training and education.
SWRI – Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
SWRI is a trade association of the sealant, waterproofing and restoration construction industry. Membership is limited to experienced and qualified contractors, manufacturers and design professionals. All the major manufacturers including Dow, Sika, Tremco, Pecora and others seek SWRI certification of their products and include notice of that qualification in their data sheets and packaging.
CSI – Construction Specifications Institute
The Construction Specifier: The Official Magazine of CSI
ICC – International Code Council
Window Film
International Window Film Association
The International Window Film Association (IWFA) is devoted to the interests of window film dealers, distributors, and manufacturers and facilitates the growth of the window film industry by providing research, effecting policy and educating interested parties on window film. Service to their membership is the mission of the IWFA.
The Protective Glazing Council
PGC was formed in 1997 to provide resources for those engaged in the development of protective glazing systems for the General Services Administration and other US government agencies and construction generally in the United States. The Protective Glazing Council merged with the Glass Association of North America In 2014 as a standing council. Segments of the industry such glass fabricators, suppliers of materials and accessories, window film manufacturers, curtain wall and window manufacturers, sealant suppliers, test laboratories and the fenestration industry are represented on the Council.