Natural and Cast Stone
Cast Stone Architectural Elements on Traditional Product
“Dry” and wet-cast formulations of cast stone are explained. A link to cast stone suppliers is provided.
Direct Adhered Exterior Marble Cladding
Richard P. Goldberg AIA, CSI Architect –Professional Consultants International, LLC © 2006 This brief (3 page) paper about applying tile and dimension stone to surfaces exposed to the weather identifies the types of stones usually used for exterior cladding, the effects of temperature and moisture and considerations regarding the adhesives and mortars used.
Eastern Marble & Granite Supply, Scott Plains, NJ
Eastern Marble and Granite Supply Inc., 2353 Beryllium Rd, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 sells chemicals, cleaners, adhesives, tools, supplies and large equipment for fabrication, repair and maintenance of marble and granite tile and dimension stone.
Edison Coatings, Inc. products
Guide to the Repair of Natural Building Stone by Edison Coatings, Inc.
Edison products for stone consolidation, patching and casting are described as are their repair mortars, adhesives, crack repair materials, coatings, finishes and mortars for tuck pointing.
Edison Custom System 45 Composite Repair Compounds for Stone, Masonry and Concrete

Marble Institute of America
From the “About” page on the MIA web site: “For over seventy years, the Marble Institute of America (MIA) has served as the authoritative source of information on standards of natural stone workmanship and practice and the suitable application of natural stone products.”
Stone Durability Evaluation
February 17, 2016 Design+Durability article by Daren Kneezel of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc. on durability of stone. Factors that effect stone and tests for determining those effects are described. ASTM publishes material specifications for granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, serpentine, slate, and travertine. These are the materials primarily considered in the article.
Thin Stone Veneers offer Unique Design & Performance Demands
Hoffman Architects 1997 Vol 14 N 3 article on the need for precise detailing while dealing with thin stone veneers rather than dimension stone.

240 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich CT, USA was surveyed in 2010.
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